[sugar] Announce: Spanish Wikipedia snapshot activity.

Chris Ball cjb at laptop.org
Sun May 25 18:23:26 EDT 2008


Over the last few weeks, we've been working on creating a cut-down
snapshot of the most popular articles from the Spanish Wikipedia that
is small enough to fit on the XO of every child in a Spanish-speaking
deployment.  Here's the first release of that activity, containing
around 30000 articles and 3000 images:

   http://dev.laptop.org/~cjb/eswiki/Wikipedia-6.xo  (98MB)

We'd love some help testing it out, and to hear feedback and ideas.
The method of serving compressed content we're using is described at:


The source code is available inside the .xo, and also at:


You'll notice blue and green links when browsing articles:  the blue
links are to pages present in the local snapshot, and the green links
are to pages that weren't popular enough to make it into the archive.
Clicking on green links will go to the online Wikipedia page for that
article.  It's most useful to test the activity while disconnected from
the Internet, since that way you'll see which images are present in our
snapshot as opposed to being automatically downloaded from Wikipedia.

The project was made possible by volunteers who worked on developing
the activity and curating the article and images snapshot -- thanks
to Wade Brainerd, Benjamin Schwartz and Madeleine Ball, as well as
to Patrick Collison who created (and released under the GPL) the
"Wikipedia on iPhone" project that was the basis for ours.


- Chris.
Chris Ball   <cjb at laptop.org>

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