[sugar] Howdy

James F. Carroll jcarroll at byu.net
Sun May 25 06:48:47 EDT 2008

Sugar Developers,

I have been following OLPC for about two years.  Now I want to get
involved.  With the recent creation of SugarLabs.org, and the pending
creation of a 503(c)(3) NPO, I thought this would be a great time.

Today I succesfully installed Sugar on (X)ubuntu 8.04 in about 10 minutes.
It is now my default session, and I love it!  I posted a quick list of my
current projects <http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/User:Jcarroll> on the wiki.
Since I'm new, I'm looking for work; I want to contribute in a meaningful
way.  To suggest tasks for me, please do so on my user page.

To give you an idea of my backgrounds, here's a link to my

James Carroll
jcarroll at byu.net
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