[sugar] review: gadget buddy search code

Dafydd Harries dafydd.harries at collabora.co.uk
Thu May 15 16:41:44 EDT 2008

Ar 15/05/2008 am 20:33, ysgrifennodd Dafydd Harries:
> Otherwise, go ahead and merge.

A couple of other nitpicks:

> +class ParsePropertiesTest(TrialTestCase):
> +class PropertiesToXmlTest(TrialTestCase):

These don't use any Trial features, so could just be unittest.TestCases.

> +        try:
> +            parse_properties(properties)
> +        except PropertyTypeError, e:
> +            pass
> +        else:
> +            assert False, "should not be reached"

self.assertRaises is the idiomatic way to do this.


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