[sugar] Bug triaging

Mel Chua mel at melchua.com
Thu May 15 09:19:07 EDT 2008

Sure thing, Marco. (Howdy, Sugar list! I believe everyone originally 
cc'd on this email is on the list.)

(The below is a direct copy of my email to Bernie last night.)

This should get moved to a better location (perhaps a [[Bugmastering]] 
page) but I wanted to run it by people for a sanity check. There are 
plenty of questions on that page, and what I've done is almost certainly 
suboptimal; I am throwing this out there for feedback on how I can 
improve the usefulness of what I just did (it took about an hour to read 
all the existing bug reports and write those notes).



Marco Pesenti Gritti wrote:

     Mel, can you post about this on the sugar mailing list so that we can
     continue the discussion there? What you wrote to Bernie was a very
     nice start...


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