[sugar] [PATCH] Push get_buddy from Connect into sugar.presence (#6473)

Guillaume Desmottes guillaume.desmottes at collabora.co.uk
Wed May 14 10:09:40 EDT 2008

Le mercredi 14 mai 2008 à 15:58 +0200, Morgan Collett a écrit :
> In case it is a channel with channel specific handles...
> if self.self_handle == cs_handle:
>         # It's me, just get my global handle
>         handle = self._conn.GetSelfHandle()
> We either need to call GetSelfHandle regardless of knowing whether the
> group has channel specific handles, or we need to call GetGroupFlags
> regardless of whether it is my handle. Is either of those less costly?

Right, I forgot self.self_handle could be channel specific too. My bad.

> > I'm wondering if it shouldn't be better to override watch_participants
> > (or add a new similar mechanism) returning directly buddies instead of
> > handles. Would it be possible/worth to completely hide handles and
> > always use buddies from the activity Pov?
> There's a chance that some will want to use telepathy calls directly
> in the activity, in case we end up oversimplifying the collaboration
> API. You could make the same argument about the bus names... but if
> you think it's a good idea, provide a patch we can review :)

I don't know really, was just a random thought. I guess your patch is
good for now. We'll still be able to improve this API later if needed.


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