[sugar] perceived sugar performance

Gary C Martin gary at garycmartin.com
Fri May 2 09:02:08 EDT 2008

On 2 May 2008, at 10:57, Samuel Klein wrote:

> SJ,
> who still wants the "hand" buttons to be mapped to the right and left
> mouse-clicks in addition to any other keymapping.

Sorry, not me – I **really** want the hand keys implemented with the  
original intended scrolling behaviour. Perhaps once the Sugar GUI  
control panel is fully implemented you could submit a patch for this  
as an alternate behaviour.

I do agree that the current 2 trackpad buttons** are less than great,  
but easy scrolling/panning of documents is a bigger win I think  
especially given the jumpy trackpad issues. Perhaps for XO-2 hardware  
the trackpad buttons could be dropped and replaced with new real keys?  
I find I usually need to use two hands already with the current set- 
up, especially for drag'n'drop operations, or when testing paint type  
'hold the button down and move at the same time'. Maybe it's just my  
adult size hands/fingers, would be good to get some real kids feedback  
here from some of the live sites – but I'm guessing kids are having  
the same problem as me.

** what was the decision behind having 2 buttons considering the  
available physical space and additional UI complexity? It's not like  
there are legacy educational applications that require 2 buttons.


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