[sugar] Joyride is reopened for development.

Chris Ball cjb at laptop.org
Tue Mar 25 15:19:29 EDT 2008


   > We'd like to invite a discussion about process changes to ensure
   > that our Joyride builds continue to be stable and usable.  Ideas
   > welcome!

And here's my own entry, which limits itself to what we should do in
the short-term, before process changes:

* Stagger new features so that we maximise our chance of having a
  working build all the time, and so that we can take performance
  measurements with independent variables.

  * The two major features waiting to be pushed to Joyride are tomeu's
    "faster" work, which greatly improves activity launch time, and his
    implementation of the new Sugar shell design.  We should push the
    faster work first so that we can measure its performance impact
    before and after the new UI.

* Continue to have (all) activities present in Joyride builds.

  * Joyride should be a showcase for XO development, and including
    plenty of activities will help to get those activities tested.
    If you have an activity that works and is ready for testing by
    the community at large, feel free to push it into Joyride.


- Chris.
Chris Ball   <cjb at laptop.org>

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