[sugar] Shell redesign status

Tomeu Vizoso tomeu at tomeuvizoso.net
Sun Mar 9 12:29:26 EDT 2008

On Sun, Mar 9, 2008 at 5:00 AM, Marco Pesenti Gritti <mpgritti at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey Tomeu,
>  seems like you are doing great progresses on the shell redesign! Can
>  you update me on the status?

The frame matches the design except:

- The devices in the bottom frame are on the left because couldn't
find a clean way of doing it without rethinking the classes in
- Some issues with the prelighting of the device icons also related to
the tray.py mess.
- Many device icons missing for the camera, microphone, etc.
- Running activity icons are toggle buttons. Should be normal icons
and reordered when activity switching.

Ring view:

- Not sure the logic for ring/icon sizing is the correct one. Eben
could play with it easily by installing more fake activities.
- The ring shows all activities installed, not just the favorite ones.
- No search implemented.
- Nothing happens during activity launching.
- Several options in palettes not implemented.

List view:

- No search nor sorting.
- The favorite icon is non-functional yet.
- Dates are fake.
- Nothing happens during activity launching.


- Add installation date and favorites to the activity registry.

>  Are we far from a no regression state?

Don't think so.

>  I should have time tomorrow to review it, if it's ready to be.

Great. Yes, all code I put in my sugar and sugar-toolkit trees is
asking to be reviewed.

I'm in general quite happy about it, except the accelerators work,
that has too much duplicated code.



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