[sugar] Database Activity

Edward Cherlin echerlin at gmail.com
Sun Mar 9 06:15:39 EDT 2008

On Sat, Mar 8, 2008 at 1:51 PM, 7150 <linux.1 at litenverden.com> wrote:
> Ok, now that I have recovered from dyslexia, I find that I can access my
>  database through pysqlite from Pippy. I wrote a little Pippy program to
>  select various rows and it goes just fine. I can confidently take it to
>  the next level.
>  Except.
>  Norwegian requires Å, Ø, and Æ (lower case also). So, (1) the XO cannot
>  display those characters.

This turns out not to be the case. These letters are in the fonts
included with the XO.

> And, (2) I don't see Å on the keyboard. The
>  other two characters are there.

The command you want to run in Terminal is

setxkbmap no

There are other options, including a Norwegian Dvorak layout.

The following examples are typed on a Norwegian keyboard in Ubuntu,
with XO equivalents that I just now verified.

æ Compose a e where a and e are in the same positions as in US QWERTY;
alt gr-a on the XO.
Æ Compose A E; alt gr-A
ø Compose o /, where / is shift-7; alt gr-o
Ø Compose O /; alt gr-O
å [ on US QWERTY; [
Å shift-[; shift-[

The alt gr key is right alt. It is a standard kind of modifier key,
meaning that you press and hold it while you enter the letter you
want. The Compose key is defined differently according to various
system and user preferences in different UNIX installations. I haven't
found it to be set on the XO.

>  If I can display, I can work for now.
>  Ultimately, I'll have to find a way to get the Å (uc and lc) from the
>  keyboard.

You're all set now.

>  I checked the Control Panel WIKI page. That does not address character set.

That's because it isn't a character set problem. It's a keyboard
layout problem, and the instructions for changing layouts are on the
Keyboard layouts page.

>  I saw bug 3018 (fixed), Do I need a later build, joyride? I think I'm at
>  659.
>  This may go beyond UTF-8 and I may be at my road's end.

The three letters you want are in the Unicode Latin-1 block, so this
is not a UTF-8 problem. It is also not a build issue.

>  Thoughts?


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Edward Cherlin
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