[sugar] Database Activity

7150 linux.1 at litenverden.com
Sat Mar 8 18:02:39 EST 2008

This will be my last post on this topic until I learn a bit more.

It appears that pysqlite has some data integrity issues.

Interesting link to pysqlite "bug" discussion: 


"I have built sqlite databases containing utf-8 encoded text.  When I
access them using pysqlite, utf-8 codepoints appear to be converted to

It does this.

How to stop it?

An answer on the list was 

 > This should be:
 >      req.write(elem.encode('utf-8'))
 > write() expects a str object, so what happened
 > in your code was an implicit conversion of your
 > unicode object to a str, doing the encoding using
 > the default system encoding, here 'ascii'.

The req.write stuff is Greek to me, but I'll see what I can find out 
about it.

Then from the same post:

"So, upon reflection, my situation boils down to this:

(1) A utf-8 encoded string in an sqlite database is queried using
pysqlite which returns a latin-1 string (a
gratuitous/silent/unspecified/unrequested conversion).

. . .

pysqlite QUESTIONS:

Question 1:  Why does pysqlite convert the utf-8 sting to latin-1 in the
*query process* when my sqlite settings are for utf-8?
i.e., sqlite.h macro: #define SQLITE_UTF8 1

Question 2:  Does the pysqlite user (programmer) have any control over
this query/conversion?  (I see nothing in the Python Database API, or
the pysqlite/sqlite documentation, about either automatic or specified
conversions.  Also, this conversion does not occur using the sqlite3

Question 3:  Is this a pysqlite bug or a feature, and why?"

The group had no further answer for the guy.


Someone else has noted thet the SQLite3 client does not transform the 
data.  If I learn how to query my UTF-8 database on the XO, I'll let you 
know. But, it's not an XO problem.



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