[sugar] Sugar mtg minutes, 5th June 2008

Simon Schampijer simon at schampijer.de
Fri Jun 6 08:13:19 EDT 2008

Simon Schampijer wrote:
> Topics
> * How can we improve the review process?
> action item: unmadindu/cjb setup review board http://www.review-board.org/
> 1. Break your projects into small pieces that can be submitted for review 
> independently.  Submit for review as early as possible, by mailing list or 
> review-board site or whatever other mechanism.
> More specific:
> * preferred way if possible: 1. code a small part, 2. submit to review, 3. get into 
> joyride, 4. repeat
> * not talking about: 1. code everything, 2. split in patches, 3. submit

I have added instructions for the review process here.


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