[sugar] Human Interface Guidelines (update and hosting)

David Farning dfarning at sugarlabs.org
Tue Dec 16 16:29:15 EST 2008

On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 3:13 PM, Eben Eliason <eben.eliason at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello everyone -
> The Human Interface Guidelines [1] have been stagnant for some time,
> and I'm starting an initiative to remedy the situation.  This effort,
> as I see it, has two components: 1) update the contents of the HIG and
> 2) tease apart OLPC guidelines from Sugar guidelines, and adjust
> hosting accordingly.
> UPDATE: The content update is something I'll spearhead myself, as I
> wrote most of the current guidelines.  Assistance is certainly
> welcome, however, /especially/ in amassing lists of holes that need to
> be plugged; I'm sure there are countless implicit guidelines we all
> follow that should really be laid down clearly and explicitly.
> Ideally, we should be able to answer any noob question about visual or
> interaction design by pointing to a sentence in the HIG.  In that
> regard, there is a component for the HIG in the OLPC trac system, so
> tickets are welcome.  As I mentioned, a small bit of the HIG (mostly
> the "input methods" section, but perhaps others) are XO specific.
> I'll attempt to tease this apart as well.
> HOSTING: The second aspect of this effort is transitioning the HIG to
> the sugarlabs wiki, which seems a more appropriate place for the
> (Sugar) Human Interface Guidelines.  I foresee this as a relatively
> large task, given the size of the HIG and the set of templates, raw
> HTML, and nested transclusion which makes a quite navigable but
> relatively complex page structure.  I'm not a wiki pro, myself, and
> I'd be quite grateful to any who have the know-how and are willing to
> assist with, or even take on, this task.

Please let me know if you need help on this.  I am just now posting my
notes on the pywikipedia bot at
http://sugarlabs.org/go/WikiTeam/Resources/Bots .  Hopefully, this
will reduce the learning curve a bit!

> PARALLELISM: Finally, there's a third implied complication, which is
> how these two efforts can happen simultaneously (or not).  Should we
> a) transition the HIG to sugarlabs, and then update/edit and move any
> XO specific pieces back to the OLPC wiki or b) perform a complete
> update in place, teasing XO specific parts into separate pages, and
> then move it to sugarlabs when we're done or c) come up with a way to
> work in parallel?
> Thanks for your assistance!

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