[sugar] has sugar-install-bundle changed ?

Mikus Grinbergs mikus at bga.com
Tue Apr 22 23:01:29 EDT 2008

I don't believe in going through the Journal to install Activities. 
Instead, I manually download the .xo file to my SD card, then use 
'sugar-install-bundle filename' to "install" that Activity in my XO.

This used to work fine.  But today (using Joyride 1094) 
sugar-install-bundle gave me an error "MalformedBundleException' at 
line 91 in _check_zip_bundle, complaining that "All files inside the 
bundle must be in a single directory whose name ends in '.activity'".

But the .xo file I tried to install _DOES_ meet that requirement.


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