[sugar] datastore use cases for activities

Bert Freudenberg bert at freudenbergs.de
Wed Sep 26 19:32:37 EDT 2007

On Sep 27, 2007, at 0:01 , Michael Stone wrote:
>> == User presses 'Insert image' button in a running activity  
>> instance ==
>> The activity requests sugar that the user should choose a journal  
>> entry
>> of the type Image (or several).
> Instead, I think this should be something like "User presses
> Sugar-provided 'Insert Item' button, selects some documents, the
> documents are provided, and the activity is notified".

Why? The activity needs to control where and when and how the user  
can request an item to be inserted. This request is sent to sugar,  
which displays a dialog etc. What's wrong about that?

- Bert -

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