[sugar] datastore use cases for activities

Bert Freudenberg bert at freudenbergs.de
Wed Sep 26 08:22:49 EDT 2007

On Sep 26, 2007, at 13:20 , Tomeu Vizoso wrote:
> == Activity session stops ==
> == Activity automatically saves its state ==
> == User presses 'Keep' button in a running activity instance ==
> == A Journal entry is resumed ==
> == User presses 'Insert image' button in a running activity  
> instance ==
> Any activity author that sees these use cases as insufficient for  
> their
> activities, please jump and tell.

* a picture catalogue activity that can display all pictures in the  
journal and allows brushing them up and make a slide show

* a little animation that pulls random images from the journal and  
displays them.

* an alternative view into the datastore - maybe using a 2D layout,  
heaps, whatever, displaying nice statistics  about space use

* a multimedia ebook authoring activity that allows putting in  
arbitrary media objects (sound/video/images/text) from local storage  
plus video and audio streamed from the internet. When an embedded  
image is then brushed up externally, the new version should be  
available to this activity, too.

* a presentation tool where I arrange everything to the point I want  
it and the press "keep" to have a good copy in the journal. When  
resuming that copy to show my presentation I do not want it to get  
automatically overwritten when done.

* a physics experimentation/simulation course, with projects done the  
whole year long, as individual activities. At the end of the school  
year students prepare a presentation that lets them flip from project  
to project, while still being able to touch up the individual projects.

- Bert -

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