[sugar] Hacking Sugar
Eduaro Silva
edsiper at gmail.com
Wed Sep 19 22:36:33 EDT 2007
Hi Guys,
I've started to write a centralized wiki document called "Hacking
Sugar", it aims to be a public "updated" resource for current/future
developers that want to get involved in Sugar, not just restricted to
activities, the idea is include information about how to start, social
aspects, communication, sugar core, etc. Please take a look to the
"initial version":
Would be great if someone of you can contribute with some section,
idea, syntax corrections, etc.
*maybe* would be good to have a Doc Book Wiki system in order to have
some free public book about sugar, something with
http://doc-book.sourceforge.net/homepage/ , make sense?
Contributors are welcome :)
Eduardo Silva.
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