[sugar] Get involved - Measure Activity on the XO

Arjun Sarwal arjun at laptop.org
Fri Sep 14 23:33:30 EDT 2007

Forgot to put down these two links -

1. Source code at http://dev.laptop.org/git?p=projects/measure;a=summary
(You could git clone it like this: git clone
2. Wiki Page - http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Measure  (The peripherals would be
put up on this page in a day or two)


On 9/15/07, Arjun Sarwal <arjun at laptop.org> wrote:
> Measure Activity on the XO
> (The Activity which converts the XO into an oscilloscope, a spectrum
> analyzer and a data logger !)
> Release 9 of the Measure Activity (build  575 onwards) features an
> improved UI and the following basic features -
> * Apply an AC or DC signal into Mic_In port, or simply observe the sound
> signal picked up from the Mic on the XO
> * Watch the signal in time domain for frequency domain representation
> * Toggle the bias voltage at the Mic_in port ON/OFF. This voltage is
> required by many sensors.
> * Log data at a specified interval, take a snapshot of the current
> waveform; and draw a graph of the logged data too.
> How can you help ?
> (1) Help in software development of the activity. There are many
> refinements and features that can further be added. I have put some of the
> priority ones down as tickets in Trac. Have a look at #3435, #3437, #3438
> and #3461.
> (2) Do projects (and help document them ) around the Measure Activity.
> Ideas ranging from building a low cost ECG system to a low cost intrusion
> alarm system. I've built and tested two ideas illustrating the concept :
> =>'A low cost intrusion alarm system' that makes use of a toy laser that I
> powered from the USB and used a simple LDR (light dependent resistor)
> connected to the MIC_IN. Switch on the bias, set the activity to DC mode;
> observe the voltage change when the light path of laser upon the LDR is cut!
> =>'Temperature' monitoring system that I made simply with an LM35 temp
> sensor, and I powered the sensor from the USB port.
> (3) Help develop content and curriculum around the Measure activity.
> Science experiments, Physics concepts...being able to relate concepts with
> physical phenomena through hands on experiments makes for great learning !
> For example, kids can whistle into the mic and using the frequency domain
> display mode in Measure, compare and learn about frequencies...
> (4) Want to build a low cost science/physics/chemistry lab ? A tele-health
> monitoring system ? Lots of possibilities to be explored. All new ideas
> welcome!
> (5) Help document such projects and other cool ideas . We would , in
> probability, be going in for Makezine DIY style documentation of such
> projects - with cool illustrations, photographs and explanation...
> Get in touch with me at arjun at laptop.org for any details/clarifications.
> Looking forward to great collaboration and support from the community.
> sincerely,
> Arjun
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