[sugar] Pittsburgh Game Jam

Alexander M. Latham Alexander.M.Latham at Dartmouth.EDU
Fri Nov 16 12:24:30 EST 2007

--- yoshi at cmu.edu wrote:

On behalf of the XO Games student team, I'd like to announce the start 
of the Pittsburgh CMU/ETC Game Jam, beginning tonight at 6:00 PM EST. 
There will be over 50 people in attendance! We will be running the jam 
through the weekend till 7:00 PM on Sunday. We are planning on recording 
the opening remarks tonight as well as the award & prize ceremony on 
Sunday and will send out links to them when we are able.

If anyone in the community would like to help out remotely or just see 
what sort of activity is going on, we've set up a temporary irc channel 
on freenode.net called #xo-game-jam. Finally, any special announcements 
about the jam will be posted on our website at www.xogames.org

Wish us luck,

Joshua Seaver, aka Yoshi
--- end of quote ---


I'm an intern at olpc right now helping with testing and q and a. I tried loading your Jump.xo activity on the latest Joyride build. There is a bug in the olpcgames directory having to do with the get_prgname attribute, which crashes your activity. There is a bug report about this.


There was a patch with the bug, so I modified the olpcgames/mesh.py  file in your bundle as the patch said to. This effectively "fixed" your activity, in that it now loads and can be played. From the bug report, it is unclear as to whether or not this patch has been applied to wherever activity developers are supposed to download the olpcgames directory. The patch is pretty minor anyways, so it should be easy to fix in the olpcgames directory that you have all the people at the jam use. It would be somewhat of a shame to have a whole bunch of activities created that don't load.

I am on IRC if you have any questions about this, though I'm not an activity developer, so I don't know how helpful I can be.

- AlexL

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