[sugar] Gstreamer question

Dan Williams dcbw at redhat.com
Sat May 26 00:17:47 EDT 2007

On Thu, 2007-05-24 at 20:24 -0300, Gonzalo Delgado wrote:
>  Hello there, I'm writing an activity that uses a camara. I've been
> using the glive.py code as a reference (plus gstreamer docs), and I
> see it uses a gtk.EventBox. I need to use a gtk.DrawingArea (to be
> able to draw on top of still images) with gstreamer for both seeing
> the camera 'live' and displaying still pictures taken from the camera
> but so far I've only been able to capture 'live' images, not still
> pictures :( .
>  Any help?

You mean you don't want to display the video before taking the snapshot?
Seems odd; most digital cameras allow you to see what you're about to
take a picture of before you actually hit the button, otherwise you
don't know how to frame the shot.

In any case, the best thing to do is probably to ask on gstreamer
mailing lists, but you can ping Erik B. (glive.py author) and ask him
too perhaps.


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