[sugar] Looking for source for libabiword

nathan at collectivesource.com nathan at collectivesource.com
Sun Mar 25 01:00:18 EDT 2007

I've been following the OLPC project for a while and would like to figure
out a way to contribute.  After attending a couple sessions at the most
recent PyCon, I've been trying to get Sugar up and running on my PowerPC
(mac G4 laptop) running Ubuntu Edgy Eft.

I've been able to get over several hurdles.  However, I'm now stuck.  It
looks like AbiSource's CVS server is down (out of space).  I was able to
get the source for their wv tool and convince the system to use it. 
However, it's now asking me to do the same thing with libabiword, but I
can't find the source anywhere else.  Anyone have any pointers or a copy
of the source lying around?  It's also trying to down load 'abi', but I
think I have the source for that from the abiword source tarball.

In case it's interesting to anyone, here's the CVS command that's failing
for me:

cvs -z3 -q -d :pserver:anoncvs at anoncvs.abisource.com:/cvsroot checkout -P
-A -d libabiword abi


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