[sugar] What resources were helpful to you in writing your activities?

Mike C. Fletcher mcfletch at vrplumber.com
Fri Mar 16 19:55:11 EDT 2007

I'm collecting links to useful resources for new activity developers.  
Since there are a few dozen people who have already written real 
activities, I'd love to hear what resources you found useful while you 
were working.  What references did you keep open the whole time? What 
did you reference every once in a while? What overviews helped you get 
your bearings?

I'm currently just doing it on the page for the "developer's images", to 
be moved to a more useful location eventually (they're there because 
they were originally thought of as "something to give alongside the 
developer's image).  I've also got a collection of questions that I'm 
thinking should be answered, either with wiki links or other resource 
links for the new developer.  I'm going to continue to work on the 
questions and putting together answers over the weekend when I can get 
some time, but if others would like to hack on it (questions, answers, 
resources), feel free.


The idea is to get enough resources together to start putting together a 
coherent set of documents to which we can point new developers, 
including best practices, anti-patterns and other "you have to do it 
once to know" stuff so that new developer's aren't all re-mis-inventing 
the wheel.

Have a good weekend, all,

  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder

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