[sugar] Second build attempt

Edward Cherlin echerlin at gmail.com
Wed Mar 14 14:36:06 EDT 2007

mokurai at lc2000:~/dev/sugar-jhbuild$ ./sugar-jhbuild build-base
Missing external dependencies:

automake 1.7
mokurai at lc2000:~/dev/sugar-jhbuild$ ./sugar-jhbuild sanitycheck
Missing dependencies:

    avahi (python module)

Firstly, these reports are inconsistent.

Secondly, I know that there are issues with automake 1.10, but I was
doing fine on the previous attempt using automake 1.9. What can be
wrong? Anyway, I installed 1.7, and the build has begun.

I'll let you know when I get to avahi.
Edward Cherlin
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