[sugar] X fonts, and Cairo fonts

Matthew Allum mallum at openedhand.com
Wed Mar 14 13:43:20 EDT 2007

On Wed, 2007-03-14 at 12:10 +0100, Marco Pesenti Gritti wrote:
> Xephyr is configured to whatever DPI your screen is. Simulate the OLPC
> screen exactly is not viable at the moment, because Xephyr cannot scale
> down the screen image. And anyway it seem sane to try and be resolution
> independent (both dpi and actual screen size/ratio).

You can force Xephyr not to copy the hosts DPI by passing it the -dpi
switch. Until I get a chance to implement scaling (which Im not totally
convinced will work all that well at least for much higher DPI's) you
can use this switch and sit a few extra feet back from you monitor :/

  -- Matthew

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