[sugar] Journal: Sharing and Creative Commons Licenses

Scott Shawcroft scott.shawcroft at gmail.com
Tue Jul 31 19:03:08 EDT 2007

Hi all,
I'm Scott and am a tech intern at Creative Commons this summer.  This
week I'm hoping to integrate licensing into the Journal in time for
LinuxWorld here in SF.  I'd like to collaborate on this with the folks
currently working on the journal.  We currently have some mockups of how
it will be done but it doesn't currently align with the current journal
implementation in build 540.  Before I can begin I need to discuss the
implementation further with the developers.  A few questions I have are:

1) Where is the code stored?  Is it packaged?
2) How should the children select the license?  We currently are using a
dialog box in our mockups but I've heard that dialog boxes are not wanted.
3) Is sharing implemented yet?
4) Is there a license metadata field?

Thanks for the help and keep up the good work.
~Scott Shawcroft

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