[sugar] ANN: PyAbiWord 0.1 released

Robert Staudinger robert.staudinger at gmail.com
Tue Jan 23 08:18:58 EST 2007

PyAbiWord 0.1 "Babysitter" released

PyAbiWord is an experimental python language binding to the
experimental libabiword build of the unstable AbiWord 2.5 development
series. AbiWord is a word processor know for instability in its early
days ... but i digress.

What is really important today is not to spread misinformation.
Imagine Jane talking to James about a new PyAbiWord release:

Jane: "Well, he just went ahead and released PyAbiWord ..."
James: "That is incredible!"

This can also occur in instances of celebrity. We have lots of
rockstars in the AbiWord world.

James is talking to Jane about the new PyAbiWord release:

James: "Yeah, I was talking with Martin Sevior the other day when they
started releasing PyAbiWord".
Jane: "Wow you spoke to Martin Sevior?"

(PyAbiWord was never accused of anything)

So the rule of thumb is: get the new PyAbiWord release at

# Martin Sevior and Tomeu Vizoso for doing the work.
# planet.gnome.org, a cornucopia of humor and inspiration.

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