[sugar] Pie menus for pygtk and OLPC Sugar!

Don Hopkins dhopkins at DonHopkins.com
Thu Feb 22 05:44:08 EST 2007

You're welcome!

Good point! That should be possible, I think. The PieItem objects are 
not widgets, just objects that are called with a context to draw 
themselves with, so just the PieMenu and PieMenuDrawingArea classes 
would have to be reworked a bit. It's the mouse tracking and grabbing 
stuff that would be different. There should be a way to factor that 
stuff out so the same class can draw into its own window or a cairo 
context owned by another window. Presumably it would have to hook into 
some kind of cairo context based drawing handler, so it knew when to 
draw itself, instead of responding to window expose events. And what 
about handing mouse events inside a cairo context and grabbing the 
cursor from your application during popup? That's always where the 
rubber meets the road.


Antoine van Gelder wrote:
> Loads of awesomeness! Tx !
> Any chance of setting things up so that one can instantiate a pie menu 
> in such a way as to render it into an existing cairo context rather 
> than in it's own gtk.Window ?
> :)
>  - antoine
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