[sugar] Develop activity (Oops...)

Jameson "Chema" Quinn jquinn at cs.oberlin.edu
Fri Aug 10 16:44:04 EDT 2007

I've been thinking about the design issues for coding i18n in develop. The
problem is that if you want to translate identifiers at all, you immediately
have to work with multiple dictionaries for all the modules you're
importing. Initially I just slogged in and tried to start coding something
that would keep a whole import tree in its head, and magically decide for
you where any changes in the dictionary should end up. I took about a day to
realize that thence lay only nasty pointed teeth (I should have realized

So after thinking about what simplifying assumptions I can make, I have a
basic design that I'm kinda proud of. I'll try to explain it below, and to
keep the "just LOOK at how hairy the problems are if you don't do it my way"
details to a minimum. Trust me, they're hairy. Nonetheless, I know y'all
need no map from me, if you see another path, or a minor modification, which
still avoids the hair and teeth, by all means, suggest it. Also speak up if
you see some hair on my path I've missed, of course.

1-As discussed already, any identifier or keyword with a translation is
presented in user's preferred language on screen, but in English on disk.

2-The identifier-translating dictionary for any given file - say, "
somemodule.py" - stays in a parallel file in the same directory, say

2a- The editor would have to understand import statements and have the
ability to fine the relevant .p4n's. "from" and "as" modifiers would be
ignored, except when combined, because even a single imported item could
carry with it all the identifiers.

3-This dictionary ONLY contains translations for the "public interface" of
somemodule.py, that is, those identifiers which are used in importer
modules. It also defines a single, unchanging "preferred language" for that
file, which is the assumed language for all non-translated identifiers in
that file.

4-There is good UI support for creating a new translation for a word.
However, the assumed user model is that words will be translated INTO a
users preferred language; FROM the context of an importer module (you'd
generally not add translations for a module from that module itself, since
generally you wouldn't even have modules open whose preferred language is
not your own); and therefore WITH an explicit user decision as to which
module this translation belongs in (they want to use their language for
identifier X which is in English, well, they must have had a reason to write
it in English rather than their language so they presumably know what
imported module it comes from.)

5-As a consequence of points 1 and 4, when you add a translation to a module
whose preferred language is not English, that results in a change on-disk of
the python code for that file. (Unlike the case for adding a translation for
a file whose preferred language is English, which only anywhere results in
safe on-screen changes). To enable the EDITOR to intelligently propagate
these changes to other importers of the changed module, and the INTERPRETER
to dumbly continue to work for these other importers before the editor gets
to them, the changed file (and its dictionary) is given a new name (for
instance "importedmodule.i18n.v1.py"). The old version is not deleted and
keeps the old name.

6. Due to the notable disadvantages of point 5 (polluting the filesystem
and, worse, the import/pythonpath namespace with old versions, whereas the
best version of a file would always have a name like "
importedmodule.i18n.v37.py"), there would be one change to the python core
to facilitate cleanup. If someone deleted all the old copies and renamed the
aforementioned best version to just importedmodule.py again, the default
__import__ function would know how to find it when it couldn't find
importedmodule.i18n.v37.py. This new feature would have no impact on any
existing python code, and, to be honest, I think that its presence in the
"changes in python3001" lists would be (minor but useful) propaganda for the
new i18n features.

(obviously, a good delinting tool would take care of all the issues created
by 5 at once.)

7. Docstrings and comments, as always, are a separate issue, but I think
that they're also a soluble one.

Is all this clear? Do y'all understand why it's necessary? Do you have any
other ideas, or see problems with the above that I missed? Do you think I've
made any intolerable or unnecessary compromises? Or do you just think that
it's absolutely brilliant?

Jameson Quinn
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