[sugar] Interesting interface

Alan Kay alan.kay at squeakland.org
Sat Sep 23 11:17:27 EDT 2006

I like this direction. It is how the original Xerox PARC and Star UIs 
were designed (and how the current Squeak Etoys are set up) as a 
reflection of some of the real implications of having objects: 
namely, you should be able to mix and match all objects (including 
user-created ones) on a DTP-like substrate, and "windows" are just 
objects with boundaries drawn around them (and vice versa).

(It was unfortunate that both Apple and MS forced the old 
"application and files" approach on the newer object and UI ideas.)

One of the interesting implications of this approach is that the 
single "desktop" in most modern UIs becomes "multiple persistent 
documents where work and play get done". And this leads to a kind of 
"SuperDuperHyperCard" like model that is also a better way to think 
about the web and web authoring.

Here are two white papers about Etoys. The first is about how we use 
them to help children learn powerful ideas. The second has some of 
our media experiments in the Etoy system. All of these are best 
printed out in color and read on paper.

A. Kay, "Squeak Etoys, Children & Learning," Available at: 
A. Kay, "Squeak Etoys Authoring & Media, Available at: 

Right now Etoys runs as an app on OLPC, but it would be better to 
have a Python-based version of this kind of integration as the 
fundamental basis for doing things on the little machine.



At 11:31 AM 9/22/2006, Gonzalo Odiard wrote:
>there are interesting ideas and desktop mockups.
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