[sugar] Integration with web apps (and Moodle specifically!)

Bert Freudenberg bert at freudenbergs.de
Wed Sep 6 10:55:36 EDT 2006

Brett Cannon schrieb:
> Basically I am making sure that Python, at the interpreter level (of 
> which there can be several in a single process), can be sandboxed so 
> that they don't harm the OS or other interpreters.
> My hope is to come up with an interpreter that could run code uploaded 
> by a random user to a web page without any worries of the system being 
> harmed.  Hopefully that is enough to let kids experiment without 
> destroying their machines.

That's how Squeak's VM-level sandboxing works, too. Before loading 
untrusted content we enter sandbox-mode, which is a one-way switch. We 
use that for Etoys for a couple of years now at squeakland.org.

For those unfamiliar with Etoys - it's a graphic programming environment 
for kids built in Squeak. While simple on the surface, you can actually 
get to the underlying Smalltalk system which is a full programming 

I just started working on VM-level Sugar integration for Squeak. Others 
have been working at content-level for quite a while already.

- Bert -

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