[sugar] Integration with web apps (and Moodle specifically!)
Ivan Krstić
krstic at solarsail.hcs.harvard.edu
Sun Sep 3 00:08:06 EDT 2006
Martin Langhoff wrote:
> Is the webserver Apache + mod_python or is it Python-based?
It's a lightweight Python-based server.
> why is Python not heavy/thick. I gather it is rather the "heavy"
> language OLPC has chosen to use?
Yes, that's correct.
> Then it's not a web app framework, it's a python framework ;-)
It's a web application framework written in Python. I'm not sure how you
would generalize that, unless you're referring to the glue that connects
a local web app with Sugar.
> I gather there will there be interest in a general web app framework
> as there is a lot of stuff that is written in other
> languages/interpreters. Yes/no/maybe?
Our size constraints mean that we had to pick one interpreted language
and won't provide others on the machine. Other languages and development
environments will presumably be available to more advanced kids, but
they can't be counted on by third-party application developers,
Ivan Krstić <krstic at solarsail.hcs.harvard.edu> | GPG: 0x147C722D
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