[sugar] Re: Build issues

Marco Pesenti Gritti mpg at redhat.com
Sat Sep 2 17:22:13 EDT 2006

7150 wrote:
> Marco Pesenti Gritti wrote:
>> 7150 wrote:
>>> Marco Pesenti Gritti wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> the reason builds has been failing lately is that goocanvas now requires
>>>> gtk 2.10.
>>>> I just checked in a patch in sugar-jhbuild to build gtk+ and some deps
>>>> too. It increase the build time quite a bit but I don't think there is a
>>>> way around that.
>>>> Let me know if this works fine for you or there are still issues.
>>>> Marco
>>> Ok, Marco. I'm getting my build "script" from:
>>> http://wiki.laptop.org/index.php/Setting_Up_a_Sugar_Development_Environment_on_Ubuntu_Linux#Using_Sugar-jhbuild
>>> It is as follows:
>>> sudo apt-get install build-essential cvs subversion libgtk2.0-dev
>>> libidl-dev \
>>>   gnome-common gtk-doc-tools libxt-dev automake1.7 automake1.9
>>> python-gtk2-dev \
>>>   python2.4-avahi git-core cogito python-dev avahi-utils \
>>>   libgconf2-dev xnest libgnome2-dev mozilla-dev libmatchbox-dev
>>> python-cairo-dev \
>>>   libtiff4-dev
>>> I see that it contains libgtk2.0, so I guess that's the problem. I don't
>>> see any gtk 2.1 stuff in the Ubuntu repositories. I think I'm toast.
>> A lot of this packages are not needed actually. Gtk is built by
>> sugar-jhbuild now.
>>> Can't run FC4/5 on my IBM 600X spare machine (toooo many serious
>>> problems).
>> The main reason to use jhbuild is that it can work on all recent
>> distributions.
>>> I won't bother you anymore. I'm too much of a newbie to be taking up
>>> your time.
>>> I'll just wait until I see evidence of it working for others.
>>> Thanks. I think this is a vital project.
>> Feedback is useful... See the other mail for what I think is the issue.
>> Marco
> Update:
> I started over with the IBM 600x and a clean Ubuntu 6.06.1 install. I
> got a error free build. Don't know why.
> When I do ./sugar-jhbuild run, I get an X Nest window. If I am fast, I
> can click on the globe icon and get a browser with a Google search page.
> Searches work.
> If I click on the open "+" icon, I can enter a URL and go there. Back
> and forward buttons work.
> If I click on the chat icon, I go into chat, but that seems to be dead.

Yeah, that's not implemented yet.

> None of the buttons or icons on the right side of the X Nest window
> function.

If you click the S when using an activity (browser for example) it will 
share it on the network and others can join it. This is still fragile 
though so you might get issue... The other icons are not implemented.
When other buddies join the activity they will appear in place on the 
white x-o icons. Clicking on one of them will add it to your friends.

> If I do not hit the globe or chat icon within a few seconds or if I
> close the browser or chat session, I end up in a light blue OLPC screen
> that appears to do nothing.

You can click F5 to get the frame back. See also README for the other keys.

Note that the UI is very much still a work in progress. Once it's all 
implemented it should be easy and intutive to use.

Thanks for testing,

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