[sugar] Abiword on the OLPC?

Justin Gallardo gallardj at onid.orst.edu
Tue Oct 24 11:44:54 EDT 2006

On 10/24/06, Christopher Blizzard <blizzard at redhat.com> wrote:

> Nice!  What input formats does it handle?  And what does the dependency
> chain look like?
Hey all,
   It would seem that things are progressing well. A good nights sleep is
apparently all that was needed to get opening files working. Right now, it
currently opens the following file types:

.abw/.awt (AbiWord Documents)
.doc/.dot (Microsoft Word)
.rtf (Rich Text Format)
.txt/.text (Plain Text)
.txt/.text (Encoded Text)
.html/.htm/.xhtml (XHTML)
.zabw (GZipped AbiWord)

It can currently save to all of the same formats with one or two extra
variations including multi-part HTML.

Right now, it would seem that the AbiWord required the wv package and a few
extra libraries including enchant-devel and fribidi-devel. I am not
completely clear on everything that AbiWord depended on, so I will have more
on that later.

 I have class all day today, but I hope to make the source available to all
of you during the day sometime, or maybe early evening.

Justin Gallardo
Network Engineering
Security Student
Oregon State University
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