[sugar] Notes about the next milestone

Marco Pesenti Gritti mpg at redhat.com
Tue Oct 10 10:05:10 EDT 2006

(mostly for today call, ccing the sugar list since it might be of interest)

* Why are we targeting 10/23? Anything important on that date? I was 
wondering if it could be worth to try and stay synced with the milestone 
(BTest-1 on 11/1).

* Do we need to have sugar working well on the DCON too?

Work items:

I talked a bit with Chris and I think the high level goals are roughly:

- Useful and nice looking web browser.
- Social parts of the user interface working well enough to allow 
interaction between buddies in the web browser.
- Stability. Stuff needs to work and obviously not crash.

So I went a bit more in detail and filed a bunch of tickets. They are 
all on the BTest-1 milestone:



165    Implement links sharing in the browser
172    Implement the activity chat overlay
166    Actions and progress notification in the browser entry
167    Chat activity


164    Web browser visual appeareance
168    Buddy image in the buddy menu (regression)
169    Rollover menus are annoying
170    Mouse frame activation is buggy
171    SpreadBox + SnowFlakeBox not working
173    Gecko fonts and 200 dpi

I think we should target to complete these should be 16/10, we need at 
least a full week for bugfixing, testing and packaging if we want this 
to be really stable.

That doesn't leave us a lot time. We should probably punt these:

167    Chat activity

Not required by the high level goals. We miss a visual design for it and 
using what we have now would look ugly.

166    Actions and progress notification in the browser entry

Not strictly required. Not sure how to implement safari like progress 
using the GtkEntry.

Unsure about the following:

165    Implement links sharing in the browser

Maybe we should improve the look of the sharing functionality we already 
implemented for BTest-1 and punt this to BTest-2.

172    Implement the activity chat overlay

Need to ask Dan about feasibility.

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