[sugar] Squeak / Etoys RPMs

Ian Bicking ianb at colorstudy.com
Tue Oct 10 00:47:57 EDT 2006

Marco Pesenti Gritti wrote:
> Yeah, I don't think auto* is going to be a good base anyway and Ian's 
> plan about setuptools made sense to me. Now, if Ian could work with Bert 
> to port the etoys activity over setuptools, I think that would be a good 
> basic test of his plan (the etoys activity looks really simple to 
> "package").

Well, I got setuptools working on my hard drive.  Where in the 
repository should I put the resulting package?

I think it's pretty slick; I was able to take a couple applications 
(that had already enumerated their dependencies) and package them up as 
totally self-contained bundles without adding any new information.  It's 
not complete -- I haven't looked at what sugar-activate-factory really 
does, or how the actual scripts fit into this either.

The other issue that came up is that I realized a rather modest little 
application I'd written (HTConsole) turned into an 8Mb activity.  It 
actually is bringing in more dependencies than it needs to, but also a 
lot of libraries (my own included) ship stuff that they don't need to. 
E.g., the Cheetah template language has 420Kb of tests.  My app has 
300Kb of Javascript.  Paste includes 600Kb that is mostly backported 
stdlib libraries in case you are running on Python 2.3.  I'm not 
entirely sure how to deal with this issue.

Ian Bicking | ianb at colorstudy.com | http://blog.ianbicking.org

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