[sugar] Re: terminal w/in Sugar

Jonah Bossewitch mrenoch at phantomcynthetics.com
Mon Nov 27 13:41:32 EST 2006

[this was on the devel list, but I am moving this over to the sugar list 
at their suggestion]

>>> Will there be a way to open a command shell w/in Sugar?  
>> Hit F6.
> No longer, it's Shift+Alt+F6 because on the actual B1 machines, F6 is a
> special key that's supposed to be mapped to DCON functions/screen
> brightness.
Thanks - I am actually wondering if the laptop will ship with a terminal 
program that runs under x - like xterm, or similar. We have a command 
line application that runs on olpc, but the fonts in the default 
terminal are really large and you can't scroll, and besides we might be 
interested in building a clickable launcher for the application.


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