[sugar] RFC: activity bundles

Jacob Rus jacob at laptop.org
Thu Aug 31 21:38:23 EDT 2006

Dan Williams wrote:
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Activity_Bundles
> Comments welcome. Especially from you, Blizzard, since easily
> installable and transferable activities is your baby :)
> Dan
Apple's very similar application bundles may be a useful inspiration 
here.  They are quite well [documented][1] at Apple's developer 
website.  In particular, there are a few things in OS X application 
[info.plist files][2] that may be useful for OLPC info files.

 1. Info.plist files have both a monotonically increasing integer
    version (CFBundleVersion), and a human-readable version string,
 2. Applications declare which file types they are able to open,
    and which icons to use for those file types.
 3. The LSMinimumSystemVersion key is used to indicate the minimum
    operating system version the application will run on.

Also, OS X handles all internationalization through «LangName».lproj 
folders inside the resources folder for the application bundle.  These 
contain localized versions of every string applicable to the info.plist 
files, in files called InfoPlist.strings, and other internationalized 
strings in a file called Localizable.strings.  This way isn't 
necessarily better, but keeping all the localized strings for a 
particular language for a particular application in one place, instead 
of leaving some of them in the main info file, and others elsewhere, 
seems like a good idea to me.

In general, what you have looks pretty good to me. :)



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