[OLPC-devel] Re: [sugar] Pygtk and garbage collecting

Ivan Krstic krstic at solarsail.hcs.harvard.edu
Tue Aug 8 23:29:49 EDT 2006

Christopher Blizzard wrote:
> I don't think we're going to move to python 2.5 on the laptop.

For reasons explained on IRC -- an important memory management patch in
2.5, and the fact that 2.5 will have been the stable version for about
half a year by the time we ship -- I don't see shipping 2.4 as an
option. That's not even mentioning the actual bunch of very useful new
features in 2.5.

Given that Python is our main development platform on the machine, we
just can't afford to be lazy about it. I care little about the versions
of the rest of the stack, but I don't want to compromise on Python; if
you don't want to do the 2.5 migration, please let me know now so I can
schedule time to do it myself. Having to deal with that would be
unfortunate, though, as there are far more pressing things for me to
work on.

Ivan Krstic <krstic at solarsail.hcs.harvard.edu> | GPG: 0x147C722D

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