[sugar] Emulating the laptop display with Xephyr

Manu Cornet Manu.Cornet at GMail.com
Thu Aug 3 04:54:29 EDT 2006

Hi Behdad!

> You should try some filtering (I want to try it out myself but that may
> not happen this week or next).  The idea is to use a convolution filter
> to distribute the energy among the neighboring pixels that have
> different color, such that you don't lose data in the single-channel
> pixels.  Try the following for example:
>   1 2 3 2 1
>   2 4 6 4 2
>   3 6 9 6 3     (all divided by 81)
>   2 4 6 4 2
>   1 2 3 2 1

This would certainly improve the display, but will the OLPC hardware
actually be able to do that (I know it performs AA with 4 neighbors, not
sure it will do it with 24)? My goal is more to simulate the hardware's
behavior (DCON chip) as closely as possible than to get a nice display
in Xephyr.


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