[Server-devel] do RPi 3 B+ still need heat sinks?

Adam Holt holt at laptop.org
Mon Apr 2 10:44:32 EDT 2018

1) Recap from 2016: heatsinks on the original RPi3 CPU are not a cure-all
when the RPi 3 is enclosed in a case that lacks ventilation on a hot day.
But CPU heatsinks Do Work when taking the plastic top off the of the
original RPi 3.  The CPU throttling problem "immediately" goes away on such
hot days...bringing the temperature back down below 80C...as measured by
the command:

   *vcgencmd measure_temp*

2) It's snowing today right outside my window, so I can't easily simulate a
hot summer's day -- but can others who live in hot environments report back
their readings above, when running the new RPi3 B+ in various conditions?

   - *With heatsink on CPU -- and without?*
   - *With motherboard fully enclose by a case -- and without?*

3) Prelim thermal analysis of RPi 3 B+:

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