[Server-devel] [XSCE] external batteries

Tim Moody tim at timmoody.com
Fri Feb 27 10:08:25 EST 2015

excellent, better than the one I found

From: George Hunt 
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2015 9:56 AM
To: Tim Moody 
Subject: lithium battery

I'm excited about our discussion yesterday. Based on your research, what do you think of: 


>From the comments, I suspect that there is really a 3.7v battery inside, so that there is enough headroom to actually charge the thing.  Then they must do a dc-dc conversion back up to 5v output

I think our application will be gentle on the electronics, compared to mainline usage.

I like the idea of lcd capacity indication.  The comments suggest that output reading is not reliable, but hopefully it will be repeatable.
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