[Server-devel] Fwd: New Lessons from Columbus School for Girls

Adam Holt holt at laptop.org
Tue Aug 25 16:21:32 EDT 2015

I hope this is just the 1st example of student-contributed content that
will be standard on Internet-in-a-Box 2.0 (or some such global offering)

From: "Christine Murakami" <cmurakami at columbusschoolforgirls.org>
Date: Aug 25, 2015 3:56 PM
Subject: New Lessons from Columbus School for Girls
To: "Adam Holt (holt at unleashkids.org)" <holt at unleashkids.org>

> Hi everyone!
> I wanted to let you know that my students have continued to create
lessons that will hopefully be useful to kids and teachers worldwide. I’ve
just posted our most recent set, which is on careers. (This set is in
response to a request from a school in Kenya.) The career categories
include engineering, computer science, media, building, law, healthcare,
food, and more. Lessons were designed for middle school students (aged
11-13), but we attempted to keep the English simple enough for second
language learners.
> Please download them and use them. We’d love to hear it if you do use
them. “Real” audiences are incredibly motivating!
> I also redesigned the website, hopefully making it more useful.
> For now, all lessons are in Etoys. We plan to diversify this year.
> Other lesson sets you may have missed include:
> Art (for elementary school students)
> Music (any age)
> Music theory (any age)
> HIV/AIDS (for young elementary school students – not including
> Cholera (elementary school)
> Malaria (elementary school)
> Sanitation (elementary school)
> Math basics (elementary school, includes only addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division, and simple order of operations)
> Please pass this along. We’d love for more people to know about our
lesson library.
> Christine
> Christine Murakami
> Upper School Technology Integration Specialist
> Columbus School for Girls
> 56 S. Columbia Avenue
> Columbus, OH  43209
> 614.252.0781, ext. 299
> http://csgolpc.weebly.com
> http://www.columbusschoolforgirls.net/etoys
> A confidence that empowers.
> A true sense of self.
> A life with no limits.
> We are
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