[Server-devel] [Sugar-devel] The quest for data

Martin Abente martin.abente.lahaye at gmail.com
Fri Jan 3 07:15:31 EST 2014

Hello Sameer,

I totally agree we should join efforts for a visualization solution, but,
personally, my main concern is still a  basic one: what are the important
questions we should be asking? And how can we answer these questions
reliably? Even though most of us have experience in deployments and their
needs, we are engineers, not educators, nor decision makers.

I am sure that most of our collection approaches cover pretty much the
trivial stuff like: what are they using, when are they using it, how often
they use it, and all kind of things that derive directly from journal
metadata. Plus the extra insight that comes when considering different

But, If we could also work together on that (including the trivial
questions), it will be a good step forward. Once we identify these
questions and figure out how to answer them, it would be a lot easier to
think about visualization techniques, etc.

What you guys think?

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