[Server-devel] Location for source-rpm of "ejabberd", being used in XS-0.7

Ajay Garg ajay at activitycentral.com
Tue Jan 15 08:24:40 EST 2013

Hi all.

I am wanting to share the sugar-activities, via "gabble" protocol.

As a first step, I installed
http://dev.laptop.org/xs/OLPC-School-Server-0.7-i386.iso on a VirtualBox,
and did the "xs-setup example.org " step.
(As the second step, I chose "manual networking", to configure the
virtual-image as per my network. After the networking was set, I could use
the "Chat" activity between two XOs fine :) :)

Now, I wish to have this sharing done, with only ejabberd running (in other
words, without installing all the other components that come along packaged
with the XS).
The "ejabberd" version (as shown by "rpm -qa | grep ejabberd") is

Regarding this, I wanted to know the source of the ejabberd rpm being used

    Is it the vanilla Fedora rpm that is being used?

    Or some OLPC-specific patches come along (which would mean there must
be a corresponding "OLPC" src-rpm for the same :) )

I will be thankful for any pointers :)


Ajay Garg
Dextrose Developer
Activity Central: http://activitycentral.com
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