[Server-devel] Server-devel Digest, Vol 76, Issue 21

Tom Parker tom at carrott.org
Sun Aug 18 00:20:55 EDT 2013

On 17/08/13 16:21, Jerry Vonau wrote:
> Think the issue is mainly about off-grid systems, those are usually 12v.
> What would be neat is if there was a power supply that you could replace
> in your standard PC that used 12v as the supply voltage. Anybody know of
> a manufacture that supplies one? I'd hate to see what the size of the
> battery pack and the recharging requirements needed of the
> solar/wind/<insert others> recharging system that would be needed to run
> such a beast.

80W 12-32V: http://www.mini-box.com/PicoPSU-80-WI-32V

They have all sorts of other supplies with different voltage and power 
ratings and do check out their OpenUPS.

I've been using the 12-25V of the above supply very successfully on a 
mid 2000's Athlon with 3.5" harddrive and CDROM for the last 5 years. 
I'm powering it from an old laptop brick.

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