[Server-devel] xs-pkgs
Jerry Vonau
jvonau at shaw.ca
Sat Mar 31 17:53:01 EDT 2012
On Fri, 2012-03-30 at 16:23 -0400, Tim Moody wrote:
> >
> > That is not a package, the "@" makes it a group definition in the
> > *comps.xml file in /repodata on the XS iso image. You must loopback
> > mount the iso to view the file, then have a look for that string.
> >
> Well, you're right as usual. (also I said xs-pkgs remembering 0.6, when I
> should have said olpc-xs).
> I found a file
> '83aa5dc6a7d65fb600d12d70ec102379a719c6bad8b6acc5c0276a8439ad251f-OLPC
> School Server-0.7-comps.xml'
> Still don't know why this didn't install. The anaconda-ks.cfg after the
> install only shows the following. Does the XS need to be able to reach the
> internet in order for the install to succeed?
All the packages to be installed should be on the cd and should not
require a connection to the internet. Was a network connection available
during the install? Were you using cobbler for the install?
> %packages
> @Base
> @Core
> %end
> so it looks like these didn't install
> @system-admin-tools
> @olpc-xs
> xs-release
> epel-release
Can you send me the anaconda.ks file please.
> yum groupinstall "OLPC XS" only succeeded after I deleted everything in
> /etc/yum.repos.d/ except my local repo. This included external mirrors for
> Centos and olpcxs. How do they get into this directory?
The files that reside in /etc/yum.repos.d/ are placed there by the
*-release files that get installed. Sounds like yum is ignoring the
groups that are not part of the primary CentOS repo. Mind sending me
the /etc/yum.conf file and the stock *.repo files from the XS please.
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