[Server-devel] XS on ARM update.

Peter Robinson pbrobinson at gmail.com
Thu Apr 12 05:18:12 EDT 2012

On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 7:12 AM, rihoward1 at gmail.com
<rihoward1 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Note that currently Puppet relies on some hard coded intel specific code.
>> Oh really? I'm assuming it'd be in the "facter" code, using lspci and
>> dmidecode to get the "facts" about hardware
> I just checked ARM Koji and it looks like puppet is building okay on ARM and passing the tests on ARM.
> I must be remembering some problem it had during the fedora 15 moji phase, but then
> a number of things had problems then.

F15 was a mess, it was used solely as a bringup mechanism for hard
float. F17 is the only way to go and if you've got any issues let me
know as I've pretty much built it all.


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