[Server-devel] Help buying server for XS
Guillermo Narvaez
gnrvzsix at gmail.com
Sat Mar 19 18:53:50 EDT 2011
Hola Omar
En nuestra implementacion usamos* IBM System X3200 M3* y no hemos tenido
problemas de rendimiento; lo que si deberias tener en cuenta es la capacidad
de almacenamiento del XS para los backup de las XO. Si van a usar todas las
features del XS te recomendaria como minimo 1TB de almacenamiento.
Con respecto a los AP seria muy util y practico usar AP que soporten PoE.
Nosotros usamos la version anterior de *3Com A-WA2110 Single Radio
802.11a/b/g Access Point (JD446B)*
Guillermo Narvaez
Servidores Escuela
Implementación OLPC | Programa Joaquin Victor Gonzalez
La Rioja - Argentina
2011/3/18 Omar Andrés Zapata Mesa <andresete.chaos at gmail.com>
> Hi all.
> I need buy a server for a school in colombia, and I have 2000 students in
the school to implement olpc project and install XS
> My question is, which server to buy for this number of students and
which wireless access points?
> Thanks!
> --
> Omar Andres Zapata Mesa
> Head Developer Phenomenology of Fundamental Interactions Group (Gfif)
> http://gfif.udea.edu.co
> Division of computer science Gfif Developers (Gfif Dev)
> http://gfifdev.udea.edu.co
> Systems Engineering Student
> Universidad de Antioquia At Medellin - Colombia
> Usuario Linux #490962
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