[Server-devel] Schoolserver and eth1

tom at carrott.org tom at carrott.org
Fri Jan 14 01:18:35 EST 2011

On Fri, January 14, 2011 6:51 pm, Dr. Gerald Ardito wrote:

> I would imagine that I don't have the drivers for the first (original)
> one.
> Does that make any sense?

Thats possible. It could also be turned of in the BIOS (I was up till 3am
once upgrading the operating system in the hope that "new drivers or
something" would make my sound hardware work, it didn't but turning on the
sound hardware in the bios sure did)

> If so, what could I do?

Post the output of lspci. That will tell us what kind of nics you have and
hopefully how easy they are to get working. Maybe the missing nic is easy
to get working, but if it isn't can you put in a 3rd nic?

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