[Server-devel] Fwd: [SoaS] wireless connection school server
Andra DuPont
andradupont at gmail.com
Mon Mar 29 11:09:42 EDT 2010
Today was my first attempt at using SOAS on a PC. Actually I
loaded it onto and Acer Aspire One netbook. When I connected
wirelessly to my XS server access point, my IP was the standard
172.18.96.* and after changing the default server address
under / My Settings / Network, I registered onto the server
with no problem. Actually, this was the first "XO" to ever register
onto my server, so it was given the course creator role.
I'm not sure why your PC was assigned a different network.
You should check to see how DHCP was set up on your wireless
connection. Or maybe someone here will have an explanation.
Bottom line for me right now is that my netbook is connected
wirelessly and registered as if it was an XO (running Sugar of course).
On Mar 29, 2010, at 8:42 AM, Tomeu Vizoso wrote:
> [Forwarding to the XS list]
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Leeming <david at leeming-consulting.com>
> Date: Sun, Mar 28, 2010 at 23:02
> Subject: [SoaS] wireless connection school server
> To: SoaS <soas at lists.sugarlabs.org>
> Not sure if this is an SOAS or XS question or both!
> I am trying out a mixed environment with XO-1s and SOAS.
> The XOs are connected and registered on an XS with v 0.6. They connect
> to a default network wirelessly.
> I have one PC netbook running SOAS 2 Blueberry. I can connect
> wirelessly but it gives me a different network 10.42.xxx.xxx (or
> close). The wireless icon on the SOAS shows me “connected to the
> school server” but I can’t access any resources or register etc.
> I then found I can do a wired connection, which works fine. It
> connects on the default network and I can access the XS
> Moodle home page – which requires a username/password. It won’t let me
> in or register the SOAS netbook until I created a user account using
> the admin XO. I had to manually input the server qualified name in the
> control panel of the SOAS netbook, and then I was able to register and
> collaborate with the XOs (i.e. with the SOAS on a wired connection and
> the XOs wireless).
> Is this correct or have I missed an easier way?
> What would I see if I had 2 or more computers running SOAS, connecting
> wirelessly? Should they be receiving IP addresses in the default range
> ( or the other range I was observing (10.42.xxx.xxx)?
> David Leeming
> In PNG
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