[Server-devel] Falla configuracion con Open DNS
Rodolfo D.
rodolfo.arce.s at gmail.com
Tue Sep 22 11:22:37 EDT 2009
Creo que la opcion "forward only;" esta de mas, podrias probar sacarla
Creo que esa opcion hace que bind pregunte directamente a otros dns, y hay
ciertas zonas que deberian de buscarse en la tabla local
I think the opction "forward only;" is not supposed to be there, could you
try reconfigure and test
I think that makes BIND only ask other DNS servers, and there are some zones
that should be looked at localy
saludos.. cheers..
2009/9/22 Luis Diaz <luisdiazmedperu at gmail.com>
> Claro si corri la configuracion de red tal como indica la instalacion del
> XS, tambien corri el ejabberd y el squid lo levanté tambien.
> Gracias
> Luis
> On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 8:00 AM, Rodolfo D. <rodolfo.arce.s at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Espanol:
>> Corriste la configuracion de red antes de configurar el Bind?
>> root@ localhost # /etc/sysconfig/olpc-scripts/domain_config "mi_dominio"
>> "mi_dominio" reemplazar por tu dominio y sin las comillas
>> English:
>> Did you execute the domain configuration script before you modified Bind?
>> root@ localhost # /etc/sysconfig/olpc-scripts/domain_config "my_domain"
>> "my_domain" replace for tour domain name without the quotes
>> cheers.. saludos..
>> R
>> 2009/9/21 Luis Diaz <luisdiazmedperu at gmail.com>
>>> Se esta configurando el XS para usar el OPEN DNS, los pasos que he
>>> seguido son:
>>> 1) He creado una cuenta de Open DNS y egrege mi red.
>>> 2) En el XS en: /etc/named-xs.conf.in agrege:
>>> forward only;
>>> forwarders {;; };
>>> 3) Luego se hizo:
>>> cd /etc
>>> make -f xs-config.make named-xs.conf
>>> /etc/init.d/named restart
>>> En este punto sale este error:
>>> School.external.zone.db:4: no TTL specified; zone rejected
>>> School.external.zone.db:5: no TTL specified; zone rejected
>>> School.external.zone.db:6: no TTL specified; zone rejected
>>> .
>>> .
>>> zone \@\@BASEDNSDNAME\@\@/IN: loading from master file
>>> school.external.zone.db filed: bad name (check-names)
>>> external/@@BASEDNSNAME@@/IN: bad name (check-names)
>>> [FAILED]
>>> Entonces las laptops ya no entran a internet.
>>> Que se puede hacer?
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>> --
>> Rodolfo
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